Essential English phrases for traveling to the Maldives


Essential English Phrases for Traveling to the Maldives

As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, the Maldives is a tropical paradise that offers visitors stunning natural scenery, crystal-clear waters, and a variety of exciting activities. However, if you are planning a trip to the Maldives and you don't speak the local language, you may find communication a bit challenging. To help you navigate this beautiful country with ease, we have put together a list of essential English phrases for traveling to the Maldives.

Getting around:

Transportation in the Maldives is primarily by sea and air, so it's essential to know how to get around once you arrive. These phrases should help you get started:

"Excuse me, where is the nearest ferry terminal?"

"How much does a taxi cost to the airport?"

"Does this bus go to [destination]?"


The Maldives is known for its luxury resorts and stunning overwater villas. However, if you're traveling on a budget, there are many affordable guesthouses and lodges available. Here are some phrases to help you find the perfect accommodation:

"Do you have any vacancies?"

"How much is a room for [number of people]?"

"What amenities are included?"

Food and Drink:

The Maldives is a paradise for seafood lovers, but other cuisines are available too. Here are some phrases to help you navigate the local food and drink scene:

"Do you have any vegetarian/vegan options?"

"What is the specialty of the house?"

"Can you recommend a good local restaurant?"


Emergencies can happen anywhere, and it's always best to be prepared. Here's what to say if you need help or medical assistance:

"Call an ambulance, please?"

"I need to go to a hospital."

"My passport has been stolen."

Basic Greetings and Expressions:

Even if you only know a few phrases, you'll find that the locals appreciate any effort you make to speak their language. Here are some basic expressions that will help you connect with the locals:

"Hello" – "Aharen kihineh"

"Thank you" – "Shukuriyaa"

"Excuse me" – "Ma-aafu kurey"

With these essential English phrases for traveling to the Maldives, you are sure to have a smooth and enjoyable trip and communicate effectively with the locals. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy everything that this beautiful country has to offer.