Maldives records high divorce rate What are the reasons behind it


Maldives records high divorce rate: What are the reasons behind it?

The Maldives, a small island nation located in the Indian Ocean, has been experiencing a high divorce rate in recent years. This trend is concerning as it can have a significant impact on families and society as a whole. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the high divorce rate in the Maldives.

Limited access to couples counseling

One of the main reasons for the high divorce rate in the Maldives is the limited access to couples counseling. Couples who are struggling in their marriage often do not seek professional help as counseling services are not widely available in the country. In most cases, couples opt for a divorce instead of trying to work on their issues and salvage their marriage.

Financial pressures

Another factor that contributes to the high divorce rate in the Maldives is financial pressures. The country relies heavily on imported goods and services, which makes the cost of living high. Many families face financial difficulties, and it can lead to disagreements and stress within the relationship. If the couple cannot find a way to overcome these pressures, it can eventually lead to a breakdown in the marriage.

Social and cultural norms

The Maldives is a conservative Muslim society that places significant importance on family values and traditions. However, there is also a growing trend of westernization, which has led to changes in attitudes towards marriage and divorce. Divorce was once considered a taboo, and couples were expected to stay together no matter what. Still, now there is a more relaxed attitude towards divorce, and it is socially acceptable to end a marriage that is not working out.

Interference from extended family members

Another contributing factor to the high divorce rate in the Maldives is interference from extended family members. In the Maldivian culture, parents and grandparents play an important role in the family. However, this can sometimes lead to issues within the marriage. Family members may interfere in the couple's personal lives, and their opinions can often cause conflicts. In some cases, the pressure from the extended family can be too much for the couple to handle, and they may feel compelled to end their marriage.

Lack of communication

Poor communication is another reason why marriages fail in the Maldives. Many couples struggle to communicate effectively with each other, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Communication is a crucial part of any healthy relationship, and when it is absent, the marriage is likely to suffer. Couples who lack the skills to communicate effectively with each other may find it challenging to resolve their issues, which can ultimately lead to a divorce.

In conclusion

The Maldives' high divorce rate is influenced by various factors, including limited access to couples counseling, financial pressures, social and cultural norms, interference from extended family members, and a lack of communication. To reduce the divorce rate in the country, efforts should be made to improve access to counseling services, develop better financial policies, and promote open and effective communication in relationships. While cultural and social norms evolve, it is essential to remember the importance of family values and support couples in building healthy relationships.